#JinEscapes to Mt. Batolusong

And a series of bad decisions starts!

When it’s set to actually happen..

I’ve always wondered how possible it is to climb a mountain.  Some time in 3rd year college, Tin and I stayed at the dorms. There, we met a roommate who’s a mountaineer.

I still remember when she showed us her photos on Mt. Pulag and Mt. Pico de Loro. That how I started to think that I want to try to reach a summit.

After several mountain blogs and a long list of places we wanted to go to, Tin and I finally had this plan set. Yes, we finally got the time and budget to make it happen!

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View from the summit.

Mt. Batolusong

Major jumpoff: Brgy. San Andres, Tanay, Rizal

LLA: 645 MASL / 780 MASL

Days required / Hours to destination: 1 day /1.5h (Mapatag); 3-4 (Susong Dalaga Peak)

Specs: Minor climb, Difficulty 3/9, Trail class 1-3

Source: PinoyMountaineer

So, why Mt. Batolusong?

Because, SEA OF CLOUDS!!

No need to go to Mt. Pulag! And, Rizal is pretty close.

When it really happens….

Tin and I tried to invite people from Newton on this hike. Only two were eager to join us.

Before the ‘big day’ came, Tin, Ian and I met after work to buy the stuff we’ll need. Apparently, none of us had hiking shoes. Since the budget was tight, we couldn’t afford to buy good shoes. I was told that sandals would do, so I planned to buy one at Sandugo. Turns out, the three of us will be wearing matching sandals!

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Thank you, Sandugo! Photo grabbed from Ian.

We kind of felt bad for Gerald who wasn’t aware of the situation. But, yeah, he already had hiking shoes.

The night before the hike, my high school friends slept at my house. I didn’t think we had enough sleep though. I finished preparing at around 12MN, we had to wake up at 3AM.

We planned to meet with my college friends at around 4:30am so we could leave early and be able to catch the sea of clouds.

We met at Cubao. We were supposed to leave by 5am but due to some common reason, we left at around 6AM.

Our plan was to follow the three ride commute to the jump off,  however, since we were already behind the itinerary we were trying to follow, we got attracted to the FX driver’s offer to take us directly to the jump off. That’s why our expenses were higher than expected.

Under the sea of clouds

We arrived at the jump off at around 7-8 am. I was feeling giddy since it’s my first hike! I mean, there was a lot to expect, but,  which one do I expect?

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Hello, awkward bangs! Photo grabbed from Ian.

Kuya JM, being the one with the most hiking experience, told us to greet the locals and other hikers as we trek. It felt good to be able to smile and to say ‘Good morning’ and ‘Take care’ to total strangers. And,  it even felt better  when they smile back at you.  Unlike in the city, either strangers would think you’re a freak or you have bad intentions (or you’re trying to get them into some shady business) when you smile or greet them out of nowhere.

On our way to the first stop, we passed by a rice field. Since it was still early, it was still foggy. We were sure that whoever were on the summit at that time were enjoying the sea of clouds. It made us more excited.

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We were met with a rocky trail as the slope started. Our plan to create a travel vid was totally forgotten.

We totally cursed everyone who said that the mountain was for ‘beginners’. (Sorry!)

I couldn’t stop thinking that the climb was a bad decision.

We weren’t even halfway yet through the trek but we, girls, already felt like giving up. Every resting area we reach was our best friend.

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Breathtaking view from somewhere along the climb. So, proud of this shot!

Almost There

After the easier part of the trail, we were faced with another slope, which is the last one before the summit. I was totally enthralled *nose bleeds* by the tall bamboos along the trail.

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#NewtonTeam at the Mapatag Plateau

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The little adrenaline junkie in me was woken up when we reached the rock we had to climb before the summit. Sadly, it was only a short climb 😦

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These feet just reached the summit!!

First Summit

After climbing the rocks, I was met with a glorious view.  It would have been a total waste had we given up.

We had our lunch at the summit, under the shade of the trees.

We didn’t plan on staying too long, because the rain clouds were on their way. But, because I had to hide my geocache, the rain already poured  before we could go down.

Because the rocks got too slippery, our guide took us on an alternative way to go down from the summit. It wasn’t less difficult though. The trail was muddy and also slippery (especially if you’re not wearing proper footwear).

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Fam! So happy that these friends of mine got along well (through a series of ‘hugots’)

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So much

Disclaimer: Most of the pictures were from Tin and Ian.

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