#NewtonTravels to Batangas

Adventure powered by sea water constantly sprayed on your face!

Newton goes to the beach!

Last summer, the high school squad was itching to take another out of town trip. It was a perfect time to plan since most of us were done with school stuff – some just graduated, and some just finished the sem and were on their summer vacation. As for the others (which includes me), it just happened to be on a weekend.

If I’m not mistaken, we planned this a week or two before the trip. Tin suggested this beach that she and her family went to. We were lucky that her relatives that lives in Lian was nice enough to let us put our things in their house and guide us on our trip. Everything was prepared for us, tricycles, boats and where we’ll spend the day.

We wanted to go to Fortune Island, but we heard that the entrance fee was expensive and our boats, I think, were too small to take us there.

We had no regrets though. Our budget was perfectly cheap – P600 pesos all in all!

But my expenses were doubled, since I brought my sister with me.

Nevertheless, the trip was just too great!

We traveled from Lian to this area near a resort aboard a fishing boat! I didn’t know which part of Batangas the resort is on but it’s not on Lian anymore.

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Anyhow, the beach was wonderful. The sand wasn’t pure white but the water was clear. There’s a cave nearby that we got to enjoy.

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This was us while waiting for the people inside the cave to get out so we can go in.

It was funny how our ‘seaman’ friends had to transport us, the not-very-good and the not-at-all-good swimmers, from outside to the rocks where we could sit on inside the caves (and back outside).

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On our way to the cave (without the strategy of how to get in without drowning yet).

And, we got to enjoy it all without paying anything – cottages, entrance fees. We didn’t have a cottage though. But we were lucky to find shade under the few trees nearby.

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Our spot. Photo grabbed from Tin.

Tin’s uncle and the boatmen were also prepared. They brought some tarps with them where we could put our food and stuff.

As for our food, we got our ‘seaman’ friends to sponsor some for us. That’s why we had lots of food.

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Inah and Matthew in front! Photo grabbed from Tin.

Another memorable part was our trip back to where the tricycles were waiting for us. The boatmen already said that we should go back by 2PM since the waves would get stronger. I wasn’t sure what time it was when we started our trip back but the waves sure were already strong, for our boats.

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The team on the other boat. That’s Tin with the camera.

Since I’m kind of an adrenaline junkie, I totally enjoyed the boat ride, except for the part where I had to worry about my sister in case something happens. It felt like one wrong move could make our boat flip!

We weren’t able to dry ourselves on the ride back, even with the sun and the air. The water was constantly spraying on us. My sister and I were lucky that we were sitting behind two other friends, we suffered less than them. But I still had to keep wiping my face because salt water stings in the eye! Imagine the struggle of those sitting in front?

Anyway, the best thing about this trip is the fact that it happened. (lol whut?) But seriously, weeks before this, I was totally stressed. And, even though what I was stressing about wasn’t even done yet, I was so happy I got to hang out with my high school buddies. I would’ve been happy even if we just went somewhere else to eat or whatever. Vitamin sea helped me get through another week of stress.

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Changed roles with Tin, Matthew’s behind the cam on this one.

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This is me and my enemy-sis.

I just have to share how proud I am of my #OOTD game for this trip.  Tin and I went to Divisoria some time before this day. I was on tight budget, so I couldn’t buy a new swimsuit. But, lookie! I was able to buy an outfit (including a bag and sandals) for a total of P500! (Yes, a cheapskate like me would be very happy with this achievement.)


Grabbed from Ian, who wasn’t even scared that his phone might fall into the water while taking this.

Since this trip was planned with the help of a relative, I won’t be able to share the exact budget and the how-tos yet.

I also didn’t get the name of the beach but after some research, I think the resort near where we stayed at is named Munting Buhangin Beach Camp.

I’ll update this post when I get more information on the beach.

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